Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Eternal Re-Birth

So I finally did the colored version of my "Eternal Re-Birth" drawing. Below you will find the original uncolored version, and then the finished colored version. Any suggestions are welcome. Let me know which one you prefer.
I have to thank my friend Luke for naming the drawing "Eternal Re-Birth" for me.
Above is the original uncolored version of the same drawing that you see below. Which one do you prefer?

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Blue Sky Storyboard Test

A week ago Blue Sky Studio sent me an e mail asking me if I would take a storyboard test for their studio. I gladly accepted the test. The scenario that they gave me was as follows: Scene:
Two characters are in a waiting room. They are strangers. One characters' actions annoys the other one.
Considerations:Make sure we can understand the characters' personalities. Include some action and comedy. Think cinematic too and have fun!
So this entire week I've been locked away in my room working on this test. I had a lot of fun with it. Below you will find the test that I took. Opinions and comments are gladly accepted. To give a general time line of the work that was done: I spent about 3 days thinking about the scene and what I wanted to do with the characters. In those three days I also did some small thumb nailing of ideas. I spent 2.5 days drawing, coloring, and scanning all of the storyboard panels. And I spent about 2 or 3 hours arranging all of the panels onto several pages. All of the drawing was done using a ball point pen, a felt tip pen, and a sharpie. The coloring was done using mainly Prismacolor and Tria Markers, but for the green color of the frog frog and for the yellow "Do not touch frog" sign, I used Photoshop CS2. All of the editing together was done on Photoshop CS2 as well. Enjoy.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Blue Sky

The other day I got an unexpected E-mail from Blue Sky Studio asking me to take a story test for their studio. Well I was SUPER excited and of course I accepted the test. They sent me the whole scenario that I have to storyboard and I have one week to finish it. Officially that week is up on Tuesday and I've been working like a mad man this entire week trying to come up with a good story that fits their criteria. The drawings above are some thumbnail rough sketches that I came up with for the story I am boarding. When my storyboards are finished and scanned, I will create a new blog entry and update you all with the final product. But for now, enjoy the thumbnails. Kids and Frogs should never play together!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

School House Bulley

Here is another drawing that I did while substitute teaching for a High School math class. The students were all taking a math test, so I figured that while they were doing that quietly, I would draw something. And this is what I cam up with. It's a drawing of a bully fifth grader taking the lunches and the lunch money from the smaller Kindergartners. They're in line waiting to hand her their money/lunch. The actual drawing was done using a regular ball point pen. The coloring was all done on Photoshop CS2. I hope you like it. - Sergio

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

School Kids and nothing to do

Here is a drawing I did during the prep. period of a Middle School Art class that I was substitute teaching for. I did the whole thing with a regular ball point pen on white paper and then I colored it using Photoshop CS2. There isn't
really a back story to the characters other than they're just regular middle school kids. I felt like drawing a kid and so, I did.
P.S. On a side note, down below is a drawing that my beautiful niece, Silvia, drew. She's only 5 years old. I think she's gonna be an artist. It runs in the family.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Bored in High School

Last week I started substitute teaching and it was a fantastic week. I really enjoy working with the kids. Today was my first time subbing for High School Students. It wasn't just any high school; It was the high school that I graduated from ten years ago.
I went into the job a little nervous about how the students would treat me as their substitute. After all, I was a student once also and I remember what it was like when we had a sub in class. Then I started remember back on my high school days and noticing the difference in the school now from what it was like back then.
To make a long story short. I had a great day at the high school. It was a VERY easy day since I didn't really have to do much. The teacher left the students their work written on the white board and all that I had to do was take role, then explain the work. The rest of the time there was basically baby sitting. While I was just sitting there in class doing nothing, I decided to do a few drawings/doodles. Here are the doodles that I came up with. Enjoy.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Nature's Elements and how they connect us

I was talking with a friend the other day and we were touching the topic of the four elements of nature which are Earth, Air, Fire, Water. And we started connecting it to life and creating a giant circle. Anyway, in our chat I became inspired in how he explained the elements and I wanted to turn that explanation into an illustration of some sort. The drawing above is the result. I will be adding the final colored drawing some time this week, but for now enjoy the rough. The idea is that Fire breaths Air, Air breath water, water breaths earth, and earth creates life which is the heart of the person and where the circle connects back in full. I try to show the circle through morphing each element from flam to fluttering leaves in the wind, to water and vines wrapping around the human form.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Progress Report

So after SIGGRAPH I got inspired to continue playing around with MAYA and I also figure that I should refresh what I know about MAYA, modeling and Rigging. So I started modeling a character from Iron Giant last night. So between a few hours of work last night and a few hours of work this morning this is what I have so far. I'm still tweaking a lot and refining it a bit. But I'm actually having so much fun character modeling. So here's what I have so far. I'll show you the finished product as soon as it's done.
I decided to try to model this Detective character, above, from "The Iron Giant"
Here is what I have so far after about 6 hours of work. I'm still finishing it up and tweaking it, and I'm kind of slow right now since I haven't actually touched MAYA in almost a year. But It all came back to me pretty fast considering. My work flow is starting to get much quicker and I'm happy so far with results. Hopefully the final model will look good. I'll keep you posted once it's finished.
September 10, 2007 (Progress update)
So I haven't really worked on my CG character for a few weeks. But I did get further along with him and I figured that I should post a progress of the model. And here he is. There is still a lot that I have to tweak and fix on him. But you can see that he's coming along. Anyway, enjoy.

Friday, August 3, 2007


So this coming week I'm going to be going to SIGGRAPH 2007 to meet people, network, and hound someone for a job... LOL... I'm kind of nervous about it but I think I'm ready for it. So wish me luck. in the mean time here is a drawing I did about a society of kids who live in tree houses... it's for a concept I may try to develop later on. Enjoy.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Organic Doodle

The drawing above is of a monster grabbing for a butterfly. I did the drawing on paper and the coloring and details with Photoshop CS2. I wanted to give it a magical fantasy feel. Above a drawing that I did while sitting at a book store trying to get inspired. I thought it came out looking pretty cool. It's supposed to represent a connection of Earth, Air, and water. The coloring was done using pen and Prismacolor Marker, and color boosted and finalized on Photoshop CS2.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

My Demo Reel

Here is my Demo Reel of the Animations I have done in 2D and 3D. A DVD reel containing the Demo Reel as well as the full length animated films will be sent upon requests. All 3D animation was done using Maya 6.0 or higher. The Demo reel was put together using Adobe After Effects and Adobe Photoshop CS 2. ">

Saturday, March 24, 2007