Saturday, November 13, 2010

Another Tasty Snack for the Eyes

Another old drawing that I decided to re-color using Adobe Flash CS4. As always, comments and suggestions are always appreciated. Enjoy!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Random Image

An Oldie but a goody! But this time I decided to put some color into this image using Adobe Flash CS4. Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

New Book illustrations

Here are some some illustrations from my friend's book that I illustrated. Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

New stuff

Monday, March 29, 2010

What's that noise?

A drawing for a children book I'm illustrating. The actual drawing hasn't been okay-ed yet, but here's what I did. Next step is to add color to it and clean it up a bit. The color that's on it right now isn't the final color... it's a quick ten minute coloring I did specifically for this post so that I'm not uploading a boring black and white image. The final color product won't look anything like this one. Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Misc. Drawings

Yesterday while substitute teaching for a high school math class I decided to take some computer paper and sketch. The students were working on their math worksheets and studying for their test, so I was able to do some drawing (I wouldn’t want you to think I’m neglecting a class). So I created these four images while at the high school. I actually drew a ton of other images, but several students saw me drawing and were admiring the pictures and asked me to draw something for them to keep. About 3 or 4 more drawings that I did yesterday actually went out to some students who requested a drawing. Anyway, here is what I have from yesterdays drawing fun. All of the drawings done were very quick and rough drawing done with a ball point pen. No color or cleaning up of the images have been done yet.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Karate Kip & Ninja Ned in a "Flash"

Adobe Flash CS3 to be exact. If you've been to my art blog before, you may notice this drawing a little further down into my portfolio as having been a sketch that I did a while back. I had never taken this drawing and finished it with color because for some reason I didn't think that Photoshop would really do to the image what I had imagined for it. It, in my mind, had more of a solid feel to it that I'm I know you can get with Photoshop; but my problem is that when I work with Photoshop I tend to want to get into shading and minor details that I didn't want to get with this image. I wanted to give this image a Cartoon Network, Saturday morning cartoon feel to it. Hopefully it has that feeling. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the drawing. There's no real story to these two characters. Enjoy!